Spiritual Formation & Direction

A journey toward discovering and living out of who God
has truly created you to be.

Spiritual Formation

“I’ve been longing for more of God and a desire for a more satisfying relationship with Jesus.”

“I wish my faith was less compartmentalized and more fully integrated between my professed belief and my lived experience.”

“I desire to more fully know who I am and who God has created me to be. And I would like some help in becoming that person.”

We believe that God is near and desires to have an active, connected, and ongoing relationship with us. And yet we also realize that our busy and distracted lives hinder our ability to notice and listen to God’s ongoing invitations to us. Maybe you feel that as well. Maybe these statements above capture your own heart’s desire.

God offers a journey of formation towards the person he has uniquely created you to be in this world—and we want to walk that path together with you. We have learned and uncovered different practices or “rhythms” that open ourselves up to God's loving initiative in our life. This involves a process where we partner with the Holy Spirit for transformation in our lives that only God can bring. It takes us through various practices that will grow our awareness of God’s presence and activity in our lives. Here, on this journey, we can receive God’s invitation to be shaped and formed into the heart of Christ, to become vessels for however God may want to use us in this world.

It this is a journey you are seeking or one you are already on, we would love to hear more. And if you want, we would love to join you on the way. Just click the button above and we can start a conversation.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is a ministry of listening, discernment, and hospitality. A spiritual director is a “holy listener” who honors your story as a part in God’s larger story. Despite the wording, a spiritual director is not someone who spiritually directs your life - far from it!

A spiritual director is trained to prayerfully partner with the Holy Spirit to create a welcoming, safe space for someone to come as they are and grow in awareness and responsiveness to God's presence. The goal is to be freely alive in Jesus, instead of bogged down by fear, guilt and obligation. A spiritual director will seek to foster a space where the directee can start to look at his or her real feelings and thoughts towards God amidst daily life, and grow in connection and dialogue with God. A spiritual director is someone who can also notice God’s movement in the ordinary days, trials or transitions of a directee’s life, and help them respond to God’s invitations.

Spiritual direction can be beneficial for believers who:

  • have been on the journey for a while but find themselves struggling or stuck spiritually

  • may be facing a particular decision or may be wrestling with vocational calling

  • may just be longing to deepen their prayer life and response to God

  • long for someone to companion (or “come alongside”) them as they experience doubts, hopes, joys and suffering

Spiritual Direction is a part of the journey described above. It is one of the practices that contributes to our transformation and connects us to the heart of God. And, it is one we do together; one we would like to offer to you.

Group Spiritual Direction

Group spiritual direction will share the same principles and posture as individual spiritual direction, but instead in the context of a small group (4-8 people). It is uniquely different from a small group Bible study or meeting of friends, and is guided by a spiritual director. Jeanette Bakke describes it well here:

One of the essential aspects for group spiritual direction is the willingness to adopt a more contemplative attitude towards ourselves, God, and each other. Rather than offering each other our best advice and experience, we want to hear what the Spirit of God intends. Direction groups offer a kind of sanctuary from the usual advice-giving stance people tend to take with each other and encourage everyone in the group to let go of managing themselves so they can be more available to listen to God.

There can be great benefit to doing this practice in a group. Our communal souls were designed to progress through life and faith together, never on our own. If finding a group appeals to you, let us know. Group availability will depend upon interest and coordination, but it is our desire to make this offering to you. Again, just contact us if you would like to know more.

If you have questions, are intrigued, or simply want to know more about spiritual direction and formation, please contact Tara Humphreys at tara.humphreys@cru.org. If you are nervous about a new approach towards your relationship with God, yet have a curiosity to venture more deeply, please reach out! It would be our joy to connect with you.

Tara received her certificate of spiritual direction from the PAX Center. For more information, please visit www.paxcenter.org.